Speed up the Hospital Administration Process
Most effective Hospital information management Process inbuild in our Medeil Plus Cloud Apps are most effective and process management of the clinics and hospital is managed by its automation process will help them to manage entire small and medium medical practice along with clinic pharmacy management process will help them to process the system
Most effective HIS Process inbuild
Management at Clinic Pharmacy
Management of Medical Practice
The hospital billing process

SaaS Based Hospital Management System (HMS)
Our Medical Practice management is one of the most economical solution will address the small and medium Nursing homes and its demand on the digital transformation of healthcare industries demand will fulfilled with our solution
Software as a Service (SaaS App)
Cloud enabled HMS
Mobile enabled solution
Enterprise Hospital solution for Any size
It will minimize the number of prescription and medication mistakes
We are more interested on medication informed decision support system to Medical professionals, Pharmacist and even patient can understand the knowledge base will reduce the maximum error in the automated systems
WHO -ATC Coding system
WHO-ICD-CM medical coding
WHO-PCS Coding Standards:

Data Standards & Security play an important role
HIPPA Standards
Out dated Technology in Hospitals
Health information exchanges
Electronic Health Records (EHR or EMR)
Improved Patient Care is the key of success
Prescription Level
Pharmacy Level
Nursing station Level
Patient Level
At patient level only the major medical adherence happen due to economical condition and also age related problem they miss the medication dosage on particular day, our solution help them both reducing the cost parameters and also address the reminder to patients.

Role and User Access Control
Role setup
SSO Access control
User Access
The oauth authorization framework is a protocol that allows a user to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user’s protected resources along with access control.
Manage Multiple clinics and Chain Hospitals
Supply chain management in the hospital
Transferring stock challenges
Auditing multiple departments and hospitals
Sourcing single location but stocking multiple areas