A Fully Integrated Point of Sale

Medeil cloud POS is a proven application with fully integrated solution help pharmacies and selective Retailers for their complete business requirements which includes CRM, purchase, Sales, home delivery, managing products with zero percentage expiry management with complete knowledge enabled solution to address the patient health issues.


The Interactive Dashboard help Retail Business Owner to take an informed decision of each and every process by its charts

Código de barras integrado

Retail or Pharmacy process Bar code integration help to providing fastest service to Customer to deliver the Products.

Top Performance

Medeil Cloud POS permite que os proprietários de farmácias façam seus negócios em todos os aspectos, Medeil Cloud POS os ajudará nas duas formas de obter o melhor desempenho no negócio

Código QR

In today’s Modern world to access a particular product or service using a QR code will enable the Sales to clients at the earliest.

pos-Integrated point of sales

Cloud-based SaaS software works both online and offline

Medeil cloud POS works both online and offline mode with cloud enabled solution to address the pharmacy requirement in affordable price with country specific pharmacy solution with differentiating from market available Point of sales.

Tecnologia mais recente

nós construímos a mais recente tecnologia para satisfazer inteiramente a demanda de nossos clientes em seus requisitos e seu orçamento.

Cloud Deployment

Nosso aplicativo SaaS é implantado em AWS, Google Cloud Platform e Digital Ocean com base na demanda

Work without the internet

Medeil Cloud POS is addressing the real problem in developing nations about the stability of the Internet is a question mark? but we try to address this problem in our new solution

Qualquer dispositivo e em qualquer lugar

Nossa solução ajudará o cliente a acessar seus dados em qualquer lugar, qualquer dispositivo e a qualquer hora do mundo

The Intelligence Purchase process

Overall even small and medium pharmacy retail outlets can increase their ROI, we provide a procurement intelligence solution which includes ABC analysis and lead time analysis of selecting the right distribution partners with a high margin with long expiry.

Processo de Reordenar

O processo de reordenamento automatizado ajuda os proprietários de negócios a solicitarem novos produtos, uma vez que o estoque atingiu o estoque mínimo, etc.

Optimized stock management:

Managing inventory is most important aspect of retail business to increase the Return of Investment, so most important aspect is ratio to manage both inward and outward of stock by optimize the right sku availability to satisfaction of customer

Livro procurado

Ajude o farmacêutico a atender sua demanda de estoque em produtos sem estoque, processo de reposição dos produtos necessários

ABC Ananlysis

A nossa solução fará parte do processo de farmácia online juntamente com o nosso processo de satisfação, integrar-se-á com qualquer farmácia online ou lojas de saúde online que recebam encomendas e processos de satisfação.
pos-Intelligence purchase process
pos- specific workflow

Pharmacy-specific workflow management

The new Medeil 2.0 version is known to manage operations, business processes, and forecasting the futuristic demands of business and sales. The company has also incorporated cloud and mobility-enabled solutions that form a key decision-making factor for small and big enterprises.

Farmácia Clínica Assistencial

Growing high demand of pharmacies to provide Kind and intellectual medical knowledge sharing to Patient demand on medication usage, Adverse reaction, and other clinical issues to Pharmacist

Pedido de vendas Omni Channel

Todays world influencing everyone on using different channels to reach their drug stores with various apps to ordering their medicine like, WhatsApp, email, telecall, various messengers even SMS, Own patient gadgets 

Gestão de Funcionários

The complete HRMS will help your customers to enhance their employee Registration, task assignment, and Task Management.

Processo de recarga Rx

O processo de refiling inteligente do cliente para pacientes em condições crônicas os ajuda a gerenciar a adesão médica e as dosagens de maneira adequada.

Pedidos e cobrança de vendas multicanal

Today’s world require multi channel sales ordering process which includes messengers, Email, web page, Telephone, Mobile SMS, Online Pharmacies etc

WhatsApp, Telegram e Viber

O messenger que inclui WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram receberá mensagens instantâneas, que incluem receita como imagem e até mesmo gravação de vídeo para donos de farmácias

Email, SMS, & Telephone

Todos os dias usamos um canal de comunicação que inclui e-mail, SMS e celular para falar e enviar mensagens ao cliente ou fornecedor

Faturamento e recebimento de vendas

o processo de faturamento de vendas mais fácil, que inclui vários clientes em um único registro, até mesmo vários processos de pagamento faturaram tanto em termos genéricos quanto de marca.

Processo de pagamento múltiplo

Medeil Cloud POS will support multiple payment gateway which includes Cash, credit, coupon and payment gateway process which includes UPI, QR Code scan, net banking, credit card etc.

pos-sales ordering & billing
pos-sales ordering & billing

Os cuidados farmacêuticos fazem parte das responsabilidades

The overall process of Pharmacy care will help our customer provide required knowledge base of pharmacology and Medical information help to address the Patient Consultation

Especificação de Medicamento

Overall pharmaceutical drug and its pharmacological classes and its dynamics and Kinetics, toxicological ratio’s, ADME’s are important for treating right dosage to pediatric and genetic patients

Interação Droga-Droga

As per resent studies addresses over 4,25,000 drug-drug interaction effects identified in several studies less than 12,000 generic molecules and its combination drugs.

Padrões da OMS

As per World Health Organisation arriving standards in diseases, procedures, and even drugs to better wellbeing of human through its standard norms such as WHO-ICD, WHO-PCS, WHO-ATC, WHO-DDD etc.

Mapeamento de Doenças

Based on diseases coding system help us to identify the right medication based on the treatment practices

Simple and easy to use. Accounting & Finance

Easiest and effective accounting in your business is the most important part of business, we address all the pharmacy payable and pharmacy receivables also complete accounting as per your auditor requirements.


Account Credit & Debit Notes

Gerenciar as contas a receber e a pagar do cliente final, bem como nos processos de pagamento do fornecedor, seu processo mais importante

Registro de funcionários sábio

if you running a pharmacy store 24 hours /7 days a week it’s readily suitable both employer wise open register and close register will address the accounting each shift wise handling even counter wise.

Contas do gráfico

Um gráfico de contabilidade é um índice do tipo de contabilidade, tanto o valor de entrada quanto de saída do negócio é calculado com base no livro de contabilidade

Total de contas e lucro

O financiamento contábil total nos ajudará a consolidar a gestão do ciclo de receita total e seu lucro, mesmo as despesas e suas perdas