Cloud Pharmacy POS & Retail Software mit exklusiven Funktionen
MedeilCloud POS is a complete end to end Retail Pharmacy POS to sell your products in store, manage inventory, manage your customer with a great experience through knowledge sharing on-the-go using any device for any drug store outlet, Anywhere by the power of the cloud platform
Farmácia de retalhoFarmácia de varejoFarmácia de varejo
Apotheke für häusliche Pflege
Schönheit & Kosmetik
Chirurgische Geschäfte
Warum sollten Sie MedeilCloud POS wählen? Warum sollten Sie MedeilCloud POS wählen?
A flexible solution for various Pharmacy retail business needs. The solution enables business
ein schnelles und müheloses Wachstum ohne jegliche Verpflichtung.
All-in-one Cloud pharmacy POS platform
MedeilCloud POS helps you run your business efficiently and increase your ROI Through today’s demand for the latest technology and features.Point of sale | Sale both online & offline | Inventory Management | CRM | Medical knowledge base |Compliance & Regulations| Audit | Loyalty Program | Gift cards | Arzneimittelinformationen | avoid expiry
Cloud-Anwendung im SaaS-Format
MedeilCloud POS is a country specific SaaS application with its one demands on products, insurance, taxation, etc. It will reduce the cost of the ownership anywhere any time access your data both web and mobile network
Work both online and offline
MedeilCloud POS works if the internet went to offline , and again it connects online the offline data will syn with server side instantly
Fully Regulatory-Compliances enabled
MedeilCloud POS follows major regulatory compliance as per industry standards including HIPAA Compliance, WHO ATC & WHO DDD enabled along with WHO-ICD10 Standards etc.
Keine zusätzliche Hardware erforderlich
MedeilCloud POS Can work with any devices which include desktop, tablet, and mobile devices both android and ios, iPad etc.,
Omnichannel Pharmacy POS
MedeilCloud POS will allow you to work anywhere which includes offline store, online Pharmacy store plugin, and also sell on the go etc..
Erstklassige Datensicherheitsstandards
MedeilCloud POS is a complete data security standard are followed including OAuth, encrypted data, along with complete cloud, network and application security enabled
Mobile App-fähige Lösung
MedeilCloud POS will allow you to work anywhere which includes offline store, online Pharmacy store plugin, and also sell on the go etc.,
Third-party integration with Cloud solution MedeilCloud POS
We always support all kind of required Third-party Integration get third-party/custom API integration services, Web API development, Over the years, we have worked on several API integrations using REST, JSON, SOAP, Graph QL, etc. if client required specific CRM integration we are happy to provide complete support to them.
Testen Sie unsere Cloud-fähige End-to-End-Lösung noch heute
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