How to be a trustable hospital in your location?


Health tech advancements have seen many innovations in the healthcare space bring astonishing medical realities. Technology has a direct effect on patient experiences and their caretakers as they interact with hospitals and healthcare facilities. As the healthcare industry is moving fast towards a patient-centric approach, technology has the total capacity to act as a device to upgrade hospital experiences. Not joining the tech bandwagon can end up in you foregoing a field of boundless possibilities. What’s riskier is that not implementing technological administrative workflow in a healthcare center may result in a deterrent for patients who come to expect the goodness of technology in all walks of life to make […]

Top 10 Cloud SaaS Pharmacy Software Companies In The World

top 10 cloud SaaS pharmacy software companies

There are many companies in the pharmacy software industry, but only a select few stand out from the crowd. These top 10 cloud SaaS pharmacy software companies list is meant to help you find the best option for your organization’s needs. Medeilcloud is a complete Healthcare & life sciences Saas company with best pharmacy software are Medeil, Medeilcloud POS, Medeilcloud HQ & Hosbay is a complete Pharmacy solution start from Medeil – Pharmacy management system (standalone), Medeilcloud POS is a one of the world first Pharmacy SaaS application addressing pharmacy point of sale software, Hosbay is addressing the Hospital Pharmacy and Inventory management software as a saas model and finally […]