Il y a beaucoup d'entreprises dans l'industrie des logiciels de pharmacie, mais seulement quelques-unes se démarquent du reste. Cette liste des 10 meilleures entreprises de logiciels de pharmacie SaaS dans le cloud est destinée à vous aider à trouver la meilleure option pour les besoins de votre organisation.

top 10 cloud SaaS pharmacy software companies
  1. Vanuston

Medeilcloud est une société Saas complète de soins de santé et de sciences de la vie avec les meilleurs logiciels de pharmacie sont Medeil, Medeilcloud POS, Medeilcloud HQ & Hosbay est une solution de pharmacie complète commencer par Medeil - Pharmacie

2. DrFirst

DrFirst est l'un des Cloud SaaS pharmacy software companies whose management software helps you run your pharmacy more efficiently.

3. Omnicell

Omnicell est un système de gestion de pharmacie basé sur le cloud qui peut vous aider à gérer votre pharmacie de manière simple.

Le logiciel offre des fonctionnalités telles que les rapports sur les patients, la commande de médicaments et le suivi des stocks. Il a remporté plusieurs prix pour son approche innovante du logiciel de gestion des pharmacies.

4. Rx30

Rx30 is a cloud-based pharmacy software solution that helps pharmacies and health systems improve patient care, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. With Rx30, you can manage all aspects of your business from one location with no out-of-pocket costs.

5. PioneerRX

PioneerRx is a leading pharmacy automation software provider and among the best sass pharmacy software companies. The company’s products help pharmacies improve their operations, increase efficiency and grow their businesses.

6. PDS

PDS is a cloud-based pharmacy software solution that works with your existing IT infrastructure to improve efficiency and provide the best requirements.

PDS provides an easy way to manage your entire pharmacy workflow, from order management to patient communication, inventory management, and more. With PDS, you can also monitor inventory levels onsite or remotely using their mobile app.

7. Sigmapharm

Sigmapharm provides its customers with an easy way to track all their prescriptions and stock levels to stay on top of their inventory needs. The software also helps pharmacists manage patient records while working behind the counter or taking care of other responsibilities at work—all while saving time!

8. R&B Software Solutions

R&B Software Solutions is a leading provider of pharmacy software solutions to the healthcare industry. The company’s flagship product is RBS Connect. This cloud-based solution helps pharmacists manage their operations by providing real-time access to patient information and medication orders from any device.

RBS Connect has been named one of the Top 10 Cloud SAS companies in America by Computerworld magazine and has won multiple awards for excellence in customer service and support, including being named one of Fortune Magazine’s “100 Best Companies To Work For”® list twice (2015–2017).

9. FDS, Inc.

FDS, Inc. is a US-based cloud software company. And it comes in the list of the top pharmacy software companies worldwide.

10. kalderos

Kalderos is a cloud-based software company that offers a variety of solutions for the healthcare industry. The company was founded in 2014 and is based in the United States.

11. PharmaLogic (a subsidiary of Acrise& Co.)

PharmaLogic is a subsidiary of Acrise& Co. and is one of the world’s most well-established and trusted Cloud SAS pharmacy software companies.